I am a writer and I aim to be an author; therefore my biggest goal until I achieve it is to publish. More precisely to finish my manuscript, seek out rejections, eventually find that one perfect yes, and publish my book. This is the third year I have chosen a tarot card for the year: previously I picked the 7 of Pentacles followed by the 8 of Pentacles. These cards about about hard work and trusting the process. Putting in the time and effort to become skilled, working in quiet, in solitude, in stillness. It might make sense to some that I should choose the Page before the Knight, since in some ways they are sequential. However. I am a level 42 human and a level 32 (or so) writer. I’m not the beginner that the Page would suggest. I’m not at the start of an adventure. I’m in the slog of it, and have been for some time. So I’ve chosen the Knight of Pentacles, because I want to be all of the positive things that it entails.

In my life, I think of Christopher as my Knight of Pentacles because he’s so financially responsible. He’s that older brother you can always look up to and count on. He’ll help you out if you get in a bind but he never needs help himself because he’s such a meticulous planner, responsible spender, and most of all, frugal saver. Oh, to have it so together as all that! Maybe some day! But the specific aspects of the Knight I’d like to embrace this year have to do with hard work and seeing the result of that labor. As ole Shia says, “Make your dreams come true.”

From astrology.com: “The Knight of Pentacles stands for being unwavering, cautious, thorough, realistic, and hardworking. The Knight of Pentacles… [has] tremendous stamina and high dedication… he may be obsessive about little details and stubborn…”
I’m working on the book until it’s done. That’s all there is to it. However long it takes. “Working for what you want. Making your dreams come true.” I believe it, I receive it, and I will continue working hard.