
You can always find all CALS Writing Circle Events on the website under Events under Writing Series.

Writing All Year with J. Jobe

Join our Facebook Group and email me with any questions, comments, or concerns! Cheers.

This group began as a Nanowrimo writing group and has expanded into a year-round writing workshop group. If you would like to submit work to be workshopped by other writers and help workshop the work of others, you are welcome to join us.

“Writing All Year (WAY)” is an ongoing series of adult programming for creative writers who wish to gather online and discuss their works in progress. We share silly/interesting/useful memes and links on Facebook and get together regularly on Zoom. We submit work on first and third weekends and meet virtually to discuss on second and fourth weekends. Zoom meetings are Saturday 12pm-2pm. This course is free and open to the public. All are welcome.

Suggestions for submitting:

  • Submit pieces as Microsoft Word or Google Docs
  • Label your piece with page numbers, your name, and the genre of the piece
  • No one is required to read anything they don’t want to, anyone can “pass,” no questions asked
  • No one is required to do line edits but if you want to, feel free, I like to use the “track changes” feature
  • Authors, you’re totally okay to tell us what kind of feedback you’re looking for!
  • We submit pieces using a shared Google drive, email me for the link

Suggestions for workshopping:

The purpose of this group is to provide an encouraging environment of feedback for writers of all levels and abilities. This is a safe space and the only rule is: don’t be mean. We are not competing with each other. We are lifting each other up. Let’s keep writers excited about writing and improving all year long. Writers of all levels and abilities can provide insight to each other and we can all grow together.

When crafting your critique please keep in mind your singular objective: to improve the work with kindness and compassion.

When giving a critique, consider using one of the following basic structures for your comments:

Bad Sandwich: start with nice/encouraging/things done right/liked. Continue with suggestions for improvement/needs work/possible edits. Finish with nice/encouraging/things done right/liked.


3 and 3: List 3 nice/encouraging/things done right/liked. List 3 suggestions for improvement/needs work/possible edits.

Thank you!

Last Updated July 31, 2024